Yang Wang @ Illinois

Yang Wang
汪 洋 photo of yang wang
Information Science and Computer Science (courtesy)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

Co-director: SALT lab

Office: 239 LIS
Email: yvw AT illinois DOT edu
Phone: 217-244-0401

I am a professor of information science and computer science (courtesy) in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) where I co-direct the SALT lab and am part of the Interactive Computing group as well as the Security and Privacy Research at Illinois SPR@I group. I am also an affiliated faculty member in the Institute of Software Research (ISR) at the University of California, Irvine. I am an advisor to Conviva.

I work on privacy, security and social computing. More recently, I also got interested in Web3 and AI governance. I am fortunate to work with my amazing students, including: Smirity Kaushik, Tanusree Sharma, Zak Kilhoffer, Yaman Yu, as well as Dr. Natã Barbosa (graduated, now researcher at Netflix), and Dr. Yaxing Yao (graduated, now assistant professor of computer science at Virginia Tech).
Some of my projects include:

- OpenAI Democratic Inputs to AI: Inclusive.AI
- Meta/Facebook Digital Privacy: Ad Privacy in the Global South
- NSF SaTC: Visual Privacy
- NSF SaTC: AI Ethics
- Facebook Privacy Preserving Technology: Profiling Transparency
- NSF CAREER: Inclusive Privacy
- NSF CRII: Privacy Mirror
- NIDILRR DRRP: Inclusive Cloud and Web Computing

I am also interested in public policy issues, especially those regarding privacy, and have given invited talks discussing these issues at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). My research has been supported by NSF, Department of Education, OpenAI, Google, Meta/Facebook, Alcatel-Lucent, and The Privacy Projects.

Before joining UIUC, I was an assistant professor at the School of Information Studies (a.k.a., iSchool) in Syracuse University. Before Syracuse, I was a research scientist at the CyLab in Carnegie Mellon University. I spent two wonderful years at CMU working with Dr. Lorrie Cranor, Dr. Alessandro Acquisti, and folks in the CyLab Usable Privacy and Security Laboratory (CUPS Lab). I also collaborated with researchers from Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs on privacy-enhancing technologies.

I received my Ph.D. from the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences at University of California, Irvine. I had an amazing dissertation committee: Dr. Alfred Kobsa (advisor), Dr. André van der Hoek, and Dr. Gene Tsudik. While at UCI, I was affiliated with Institute of Software Research (ISR), Secure Computing & Networking Center (SCONCE) and Center for Research on Information Technology and Organizations (CRITO).

I had the opportunities to work at Intel Research with Dr. Scott Mainwaring, at Fuji Xerox Palo Alto Lab (FXPAL) with Dr. Daniel Billsus and Dr. David Hilbert, and at CommerceNet with Dr. Rohit Khare. I was a visiting professor at the HCI lab in National University of Singapore in 2023. I was also a visiting researcher at Institute of Information Systems, Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany during the 2006 FIFA World Cup! I am still a passionate soccer player.

Last modified: 2023